Be Centred
Be Centred – A weekly yoga-based, movement antenatal class. Helping you release muscle tension and work with the biomechanics of birth. Learning to trust and connect more fully with your amazing pregnancy and birthing body. Where the mind leads, the body follows, so caring for both is the path to better mental, emotional and physical health and overall wellbeing.
"The body benefits from the movement, and the mind benefits from the stillness" Sakyong Mipham
Move. Breathe. Relax. Empower. Centre.
Class times 7pm to 9pm
TUESDAY CLASS- 26th November 2024, dates include: 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12 (no class 24/12 or 31/12) 7/1, 14/1 - FULLY BOOKED and in progress at the moment.
TUESDAY CLASS - 21st January 2025, dates include: 21/1, 28/1, 4/2 (no class 11/2), 18/2, 25/2, 4/3 - FULLY BOOKED
TUESDAY CLASS - 11th March 2025, dates 11/3, 18/3, 25/3, (Wednesday) 2/4, 8/4, 15/4 - open to book
If any classes are sold out please email me -
Be Centred – A weekly yoga-based, movement antenatal class. Helping you release muscle tension and work with the biomechanics of birth. Learning to trust and connect more fully with your amazing pregnancy and birthing body. Where the mind leads, the body follows, so caring for both is the path to better mental, emotional and physical health and overall wellbeing.
"The body benefits from the movement, and the mind benefits from the stillness" Sakyong Mipham
Move. Breathe. Relax. Empower. Centre.
Class times 7pm to 9pm
TUESDAY CLASS- 26th November 2024, dates include: 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12 (no class 24/12 or 31/12) 7/1, 14/1 - FULLY BOOKED and in progress at the moment.
TUESDAY CLASS - 21st January 2025, dates include: 21/1, 28/1, 4/2 (no class 11/2), 18/2, 25/2, 4/3 - FULLY BOOKED
TUESDAY CLASS - 11th March 2025, dates 11/3, 18/3, 25/3, (Wednesday) 2/4, 8/4, 15/4 - open to book
If any classes are sold out please email me -
Be Centred – A weekly yoga-based, movement antenatal class. Helping you release muscle tension and work with the biomechanics of birth. Learning to trust and connect more fully with your amazing pregnancy and birthing body. Where the mind leads, the body follows, so caring for both is the path to better mental, emotional and physical health and overall wellbeing.
"The body benefits from the movement, and the mind benefits from the stillness" Sakyong Mipham
Move. Breathe. Relax. Empower. Centre.
Class times 7pm to 9pm
TUESDAY CLASS- 26th November 2024, dates include: 26/11, 3/12, 10/12, 17/12 (no class 24/12 or 31/12) 7/1, 14/1 - FULLY BOOKED and in progress at the moment.
TUESDAY CLASS - 21st January 2025, dates include: 21/1, 28/1, 4/2 (no class 11/2), 18/2, 25/2, 4/3 - FULLY BOOKED
TUESDAY CLASS - 11th March 2025, dates 11/3, 18/3, 25/3, (Wednesday) 2/4, 8/4, 15/4 - open to book
If any classes are sold out please email me -
A weekly pregnancy yoga-based movement antenatal class. Helping you release muscle tension and work with the biomechanics of birth, learning to trust and connect more fully with your amazing pregnancy and birthing body.
Move, Breathe, Relax, Empower, Centre.
Be Centred is a wonderfully calm, relaxed class that will help evoke feelings of happiness, joy and positivity and help your oxytocin and endorphins flow.
The classes include:
Pregnancy Inspired Yoga Movements
Biomechanics birth work
Antenatal and active birth education
Pranayama (breath) work
Hypnobirthing techniques
Relaxation techniques
Through movement, swaying, rocking, lengthening, releasing, balancing, this will support your mind and body as you create space and comfort for you and your baby during pregnancy but also use your muscle memory for your birthing journey.
Releasing muscle tension and working with the biomechanics of birth will help you understand, trust, and connect more fully with your amazing pregnancy and birthing body.
Hypnobirthing, Pranayama (breath work) and relaxation techniques help to promote calm and make this a truly relaxing holistic experience.
You deserve this time to yourself, giving you time to bond with your baby/
Class Information
A 6-week course of 2 hour sessions for expectant persons only. This creates a safe and nurturing space, to enable you to learn the techniques for your pregnancy and birthing journey. Classes are adaptable to suit all pregnancy related conditions and birth choices.
Classes are suitable from 14 weeks pregnant and although the classes are booked in 6 week blocks, they are designed to be continue right through your pregnancy to your birthing day. However, one block will give you all the tools required for birth.
Tuesday 7pm start
The Stables, Meadow Cottage, Cherque Lane, Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire, PO13 9PF
£86 for 6 weeks/2 hour sessions, plus a class WhatsApp group as well as comprehensive summaries sent via email following each class.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing you can move freely in, bring water to drink during the session and feel free to bring along anything to make you feel comfortable (a cushion are ideal for the relaxation section) and you might choose to use these as familiar associations, beginning the positive imprints associated for birth. You are also welcome to bring along your birth ball and any blocks or a towel to make yourself more comfortable during the class.
I look forward to welcoming you to The Stables
Beth x
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